So I was just going to class and I alllmost sat down at a desk and got super confused because I didn't recognize anyone in my classroom. After a quick scan of everyone's textbooks I definitely understood this was not my class. So after leaving and deciding to just sit at the JKB computer lab, I remembered my class doesn't start for another hour. Yes, that just happened...dang it. Oh well haha.
So in my New Testament class we are supposed to do a three week project that's due in about 2 weeks. Don't worry, I started a week ago, so I'll be good :) But we're supposed to pick a scripture from one of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to really apply to our life and then do a one page write-up about our experience. I figure I have time now, and I'm bored, so I'm just gonna type my write-up here I think. Anyways, for the past week I chose Matthew 11:29 which says,
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
Okay, to be honest, I'm not sure I applied it how it probably was intended to mean, but I think that it's somewhat normal for the same scripture to mean different things at different times.
Basically, the scripture jumped out at me when I saw the "ye shall find rest unto your souls" part. Goodness knows I am kind of emotionally unstable right now. So what i wanted to work on this week was that if I was feeling down or my mind was just stuck thinking about this certain thing, that I would kind of mentally slap myself and do something that Christ would have me do instead (which I think can be an accurate interpretation of "taking His yoke upon me.")
So throughout the week I've been trying to distract myself by either reading the scriptures, writing about fun events in this blog (ahem World of Color post), spending time with my sister, and going to all of the Stake/Regional Conference and the CES Fireside that all happened, very conveniently, this weekend.
Ok, and can I just say, I love going to conferences and stuff "prepared" (basically, wanting to hear an answer to a specific problem or question in a/the talk/s) because without fail, I always get some kind of comfort or some kind of answer I've been looking for.
Anyways, that's pretty much all I have time for, so I'm gonna go to MY class now haha.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Back to School
Woowwww it's weird to be back in Provo. Back for another year of homework and deadlines and working at the Cougareat and meeting people and whatever else comes with college...
So it's Saturday, and I just ended my second week of third year of college. The past 3 weeks have been pretty good as far as school itself goes- I like my classes and I am acting like the responsible student I've never been, so so far I've been really proud of myself haha. I'm taking 13 credits this semester, which seems to be just the right workload for me, and they split up into 5 classes:
I'm taking New Testament, Physical Science (yes, it's taken me this long to sign up for the class, but surprisingly not everyone is a freshman in there, thank goodness!), Basic Organ Skills (yes, I'm sure that's gonna follow me into most every church calling for the rest of my life, but I like it), World Music Cultures, and Intro to Interior Design. Unfortunately, none of those classes count towards my major (which I decided to switch only a couple weeks ago) but it's a good workload and I think I'll only have like, one GE class to take after this semester. About time, I know, but like I said, I've only now become a more responsible student haha.
So the social scene at BYU suits me fine too, I guess. I have to say, the first day of school was almost culture shock. All the guys were shirts with sleeves (haha I never thought that would be unusual until I went to Florida) and had short hair cuts and clean faces (thank goodness! I'm definitely not a fan of facial hair). The girls were all MODEST and I didn't feel like I stood out as much as I did in Florida. And I was harshly reminded of the fact that BYU is listed in the top 10 colleges in the country with the most attractive women. So I was walking through campus and I was walking past people when I saw this girl and thought, ''wow. That girl is reaally pretty!'' I kept walking and not 20 seconds later, I past a girl on my other side and thought, ''wow! That girl is really pretty too!''
Then it happened again. And again. And again. All within a matter of minutes. By the time I saw the 20th super gorgeous girl, I had to refrain from glaring and going around punching them all in the face. There are soo many pretty girls at BYU! Ugh, it made me mad. So I had to remind myself that that's just the way things are. I got used to it the past two years; I can get used to it again, I guess.
I seriously love BYU though. I went to Fall Fest (the biggest school party of the semester) last night, and it just reminded me of the real truth that I love love loove byu dances. I went to bed last night with my mind all clouded with stuff I didn't really want to think about, and I looked down at my hand and saw a ''Y'' stamped on my hand (when you get in the dance they stamp your hand so they know they've checked your id). I smiled and realized how nice it was to have a ''Y'' on my hand instead of a big, black ''X'' on both hands (which is what I'd get at a club, since I'm still only 19).
Well, I think that pretty much is all I was gonna say for this post haha. Life's been better, but I can't in good conscience complain about anything. So until next time, have a Magical day!
So it's Saturday, and I just ended my second week of third year of college. The past 3 weeks have been pretty good as far as school itself goes- I like my classes and I am acting like the responsible student I've never been, so so far I've been really proud of myself haha. I'm taking 13 credits this semester, which seems to be just the right workload for me, and they split up into 5 classes:
I'm taking New Testament, Physical Science (yes, it's taken me this long to sign up for the class, but surprisingly not everyone is a freshman in there, thank goodness!), Basic Organ Skills (yes, I'm sure that's gonna follow me into most every church calling for the rest of my life, but I like it), World Music Cultures, and Intro to Interior Design. Unfortunately, none of those classes count towards my major (which I decided to switch only a couple weeks ago) but it's a good workload and I think I'll only have like, one GE class to take after this semester. About time, I know, but like I said, I've only now become a more responsible student haha.
So the social scene at BYU suits me fine too, I guess. I have to say, the first day of school was almost culture shock. All the guys were shirts with sleeves (haha I never thought that would be unusual until I went to Florida) and had short hair cuts and clean faces (thank goodness! I'm definitely not a fan of facial hair). The girls were all MODEST and I didn't feel like I stood out as much as I did in Florida. And I was harshly reminded of the fact that BYU is listed in the top 10 colleges in the country with the most attractive women. So I was walking through campus and I was walking past people when I saw this girl and thought, ''wow. That girl is reaally pretty!'' I kept walking and not 20 seconds later, I past a girl on my other side and thought, ''wow! That girl is really pretty too!''
Then it happened again. And again. And again. All within a matter of minutes. By the time I saw the 20th super gorgeous girl, I had to refrain from glaring and going around punching them all in the face. There are soo many pretty girls at BYU! Ugh, it made me mad. So I had to remind myself that that's just the way things are. I got used to it the past two years; I can get used to it again, I guess.
I seriously love BYU though. I went to Fall Fest (the biggest school party of the semester) last night, and it just reminded me of the real truth that I love love loove byu dances. I went to bed last night with my mind all clouded with stuff I didn't really want to think about, and I looked down at my hand and saw a ''Y'' stamped on my hand (when you get in the dance they stamp your hand so they know they've checked your id). I smiled and realized how nice it was to have a ''Y'' on my hand instead of a big, black ''X'' on both hands (which is what I'd get at a club, since I'm still only 19).
Well, I think that pretty much is all I was gonna say for this post haha. Life's been better, but I can't in good conscience complain about anything. So until next time, have a Magical day!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Orlando to Anaheim
All right, there's no way I could write a blog and NOT write about one of the most exciting things that happened this summer. So far the exciting things have been:
#1: Working at Disney
#2: Doing 4 murals in the Utilidor of Magic Kingdom
I'm writing now to explain numbers 3 and 4. So on Friday, August 13, 2010, I flew across the country back to good ol' LAX. (ps I love saying that I legitimately hop off the plane at LAX to go HOME!)
My dad picked me up and we talked as we drove down the infamously busy freeways of southern cali. We got around to talking about my Disney ID and my nametag and everything and asked if I could still go to Disneyland while using my Main Gate Pass (the pass that lets me, the cast member, and my personal guests go into a Disney park for free). He brought up a good point...I hadn't thought about that, since my Dinsey ID technically expired that day. But if it expired that day... I might still get to go...
So in order to satisfy curiousity, we stopped by the one, the only Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. My dad dropped me off at the familiar drop off point, and I walked onto Disney property. It was WEIRD! But in SUCH a good way. I felt like I was really home then. I had gotten used to Walt Disney World's big, automotive-transportation-only resort and it felt SO nice to be able to WALK to the parks from the street. I instantly transported from the outside world to "a land of fantasy" without having to take a bus or a monorail. Wow, it felt good.
Okay, enough with the sap.
So I walked up to a ticket-taker cast member in front of Disney's California Adventure (the line was shorter there than at Disneyland) and quickly asked him if my Main Gate Pass was still good that day for me and three people. He said it WAS!!! OHHHH MY GOOODNESS!!!!!
I walked back to the car SO excited!!!!
At dinner that night, around 4pm, I told Samantha, Cameron, and Nichole that I was taking them somewhere right after dinner. They asked if we were going to Downtown Disney (all of the family's season passes were expired since April so "of course" Disneyland itself was out of the question!). I told them I wasn't giving any hints. But Cameron kept pursuing for information.
"Brittany, does it have aaannything to do with Disney?"
I put on a disgusted face. "Cameron. I just came back from working at Walt Disney World for four months! Don't you think I'm a little Disney-ed out by now??"
Cameron smirked, "NO!!!"
...haha my family knows me very well :)
So a few hours later, my siblings were not surprised to find themselves in the Disneyland Resort. We. Had. A. Blast.
Even trying to squish 4 people into one Doom Buggy at Haunted Mansion was fun! I absolutely loved being home! To think that I could go to both WDW's Magic Kingdom AND Disneyland in less than 24 hours was pretty much the most incredible thing I could ever do EVER. :D I loved it!
The main event, however, the highlight of the evening and one of the most incredible moments of the summer happened at 11:15 pm, at Disney's California Adventure. Why??? Because "World of Color," Disney's newest light, water, fire, laser, and pyrotechnics spectacular was a nightly event at DCA and after about TWO YEARS of waiting, I could now finally see it!!!!! WOW I was excited!!!!!!!!
And I was not disappointed! I almost cried, I was soooo happy, for realsies! I took a ton of pictures, but I'm only gonna include my favorite one, which was actually taken after the show ended, but the fountains were still on for about 5 minutes. I'm kind of proud of this picture haha, I pretty much love having a real camera instead of having to use my phone's.

Anyways, that's pretty much all I wanted to write for this post.
Did I ever mention that I love Disney?
#1: Working at Disney
#2: Doing 4 murals in the Utilidor of Magic Kingdom
I'm writing now to explain numbers 3 and 4. So on Friday, August 13, 2010, I flew across the country back to good ol' LAX. (ps I love saying that I legitimately hop off the plane at LAX to go HOME!)
My dad picked me up and we talked as we drove down the infamously busy freeways of southern cali. We got around to talking about my Disney ID and my nametag and everything and asked if I could still go to Disneyland while using my Main Gate Pass (the pass that lets me, the cast member, and my personal guests go into a Disney park for free). He brought up a good point...I hadn't thought about that, since my Dinsey ID technically expired that day. But if it expired that day... I might still get to go...
So in order to satisfy curiousity, we stopped by the one, the only Disneyland Resort in Anaheim. My dad dropped me off at the familiar drop off point, and I walked onto Disney property. It was WEIRD! But in SUCH a good way. I felt like I was really home then. I had gotten used to Walt Disney World's big, automotive-transportation-only resort and it felt SO nice to be able to WALK to the parks from the street. I instantly transported from the outside world to "a land of fantasy" without having to take a bus or a monorail. Wow, it felt good.
Okay, enough with the sap.
So I walked up to a ticket-taker cast member in front of Disney's California Adventure (the line was shorter there than at Disneyland) and quickly asked him if my Main Gate Pass was still good that day for me and three people. He said it WAS!!! OHHHH MY GOOODNESS!!!!!
I walked back to the car SO excited!!!!
At dinner that night, around 4pm, I told Samantha, Cameron, and Nichole that I was taking them somewhere right after dinner. They asked if we were going to Downtown Disney (all of the family's season passes were expired since April so "of course" Disneyland itself was out of the question!). I told them I wasn't giving any hints. But Cameron kept pursuing for information.
"Brittany, does it have aaannything to do with Disney?"
I put on a disgusted face. "Cameron. I just came back from working at Walt Disney World for four months! Don't you think I'm a little Disney-ed out by now??"
Cameron smirked, "NO!!!"
...haha my family knows me very well :)
So a few hours later, my siblings were not surprised to find themselves in the Disneyland Resort. We. Had. A. Blast.
Even trying to squish 4 people into one Doom Buggy at Haunted Mansion was fun! I absolutely loved being home! To think that I could go to both WDW's Magic Kingdom AND Disneyland in less than 24 hours was pretty much the most incredible thing I could ever do EVER. :D I loved it!
The main event, however, the highlight of the evening and one of the most incredible moments of the summer happened at 11:15 pm, at Disney's California Adventure. Why??? Because "World of Color," Disney's newest light, water, fire, laser, and pyrotechnics spectacular was a nightly event at DCA and after about TWO YEARS of waiting, I could now finally see it!!!!! WOW I was excited!!!!!!!!
And I was not disappointed! I almost cried, I was soooo happy, for realsies! I took a ton of pictures, but I'm only gonna include my favorite one, which was actually taken after the show ended, but the fountains were still on for about 5 minutes. I'm kind of proud of this picture haha, I pretty much love having a real camera instead of having to use my phone's.

Anyways, that's pretty much all I wanted to write for this post.
Did I ever mention that I love Disney?
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